Great.Larry is cool and the wizard kind of reminds me he's from The Hobbit.
Great.Larry is cool and the wizard kind of reminds me he's from The Hobbit.
What the fuck...
What the fuck that stupid magician.Just what the hell did I just watch?It was all-I can't say it.
Awesome music,great animation,and its MICAWESOME!
For a detective like him in Hollywoodland, he should go to art school by my opinon.
I'm going to give you a 5 for good animation.But your making fun of Batman you know.
Why was he crying?
His sentry is being sapped.
I said no you fucking moron!I said no you fucking moron!I said no you fucking moron!I said no you fucking moron!*slap*Thanks dude.XD
Yeah 2 two guys lookin' for apples is not my type.
What the fuck did I just watch
NOTE:Credit says GameGrumps/Directed by Someasshole.Some ass hole.Lol.
Joined on 5/4/13