nuff said bro
Joined on 5/4/13
Posted by Danluz - July 19th, 2014
Watch it for Robot Day 2014 :) I guess me and GabrielBarsch did the same thing
Posted by Danluz - June 26th, 2014
Play Tf2? Playing as a Spy? Keep dieing? Well you'll need these weapons:
Your Eternal Reward
Dead Ringer
Now watch this video performed by Chris Stark:
Posted by Danluz - June 11th, 2014
I have been doing research and I have found out that people who join on 2014 and make Madness art (like Oscar55 or AUSANFORD) get more fans them people who join in 2013 and done nothing. That is because people loved the Madness series by Krinkels and search for fan made art by other artists. Well that should wrap up by now.
Posted by Danluz - May 29th, 2014
1. Audio files for Concerned Joe
2. He's doing good lately
3. Nothing
5. You just noticed I skipped 4
6. He has changed his profile picture (yes you have noticed had you)
7. Been talking to him
8. Okay enough good bye
P.S If you read this Johnny you are awesome at voice acting! Hope your going to be in a movie one day (might not but still good luck)